Giving Game Rules

  1. Anyone can suggest causes (individuals or orgs) we give to.
  2. The 11:11 Philosophers Group selects 11 causes on the Sunday before NOAI. Causes can be selected year after year, so long as they don’t have any Florins in the bank. Causes that received Florins in the past will have an extra burden to prove that they used Florins for positive impact throughout the year. (See: Selected Causes)
  3. During NOAI, attendees mint Philosopher Florins by allocating them to causes via NOAI’s Giving Game.
  4. After the last presentation on 11/11, causes receive their Florins.
  5. Causes can cash Florins out at any time from the Philosopher’s Bank. Cashed-out Florins are destroyed.
  6. 89% of funds received after NOAI (11/11 23:59 CST) are used to mint new florins for next year’s NOAI, with 11% increasing the value of all other causes.
  7. New causes are selected every year.
  8. Anyone can increase the value of Florins by donating.

1 Florin = $1.694760511882998 as of 19:35 CST on 12/17/24. Calculated by dividing the amount of cash in the Philosopher’s Bank NOAI Account by the number of Florins minted minus the number of Florins destroyed because of a Cause cash out.

Questions? Suggestions?
