the beaning of life

Presentation Description

my journey through beans

building community

finding purpose

achievements and challenges along the way

what Ive learned about my city and our path forward

Presenter Bio

devin de wulf
From Charleston, SC – Devin studied abroad while in college and fell in love with beans. He came to New Orleans as a post-Katrina volunteer and become enamored by the city and culture. He became a middle school history teacher, a self-taught artist, and a parade organizer. Through his work with the Krewe of Red Beans, he has led multiple efforts since COVID. “Feed The Front Line NOLA” became the nation’s largest effort to support healthcare workers during the first wave of the Pandemic. Feed The Second LIne (now it’s own non-profit) has contributed millions in job-creation and safety-net for culture bearers. Devin also brain-stormed “Get LIt Stay Lit” a resilience effort for local-restaurants that has now installed 5 solar and battery systems in New Orleans. “Hire A Mardi Gras Artist” “fest fest” and “Bean Coin” are other efforts that Devin created to support New Orleanians during COVID. He is proud to have created over $1,000,000 in gig work for musicians and culture bearers in 2020 and 2021 through these efforts. Beanlandia is his latest project, a model of sustainable tourism and community-building.