Breakout Session: How do we Implement AI for Every Student in NOLA?
Build Your Own Search Engine with DuckDB and Embedding Vectors
Chess Boxing Circus
Code to Success: How Operation Spark Transformed Our Lives
Colorful History (and Future) of Jewish Philanthropy in NOLA
Computing and Technology Ethics Through Science Fiction
Fireside Chat – David Kovacic, Senior Director of Intelligent Platforms at Baker Hughes
Fireside Chat with the CEO of NOLA AI, Damon Kirin
Help us write the next chapter of New Orleans’ story—one book at a time.
Kings, Rings, and Algorithms: The History of Chess, Boxing, and AI in New Orleans
Life Print Afterlife AI
Looking backwards to see the future of AI technology jobs
Lousiana Economic Development
Morris Bart on Making Philanthropy Work for Business
Probablility Spaces and Machine Learning
Ruth Messinger, In Conversation
Striker VR Demo Fun
Technology, Art and Innovation at the Winter Circus in Ghent
the beaning of life