Apply to Speak at NOAI 2024

The New Orleans Artificial Intelligence Symposium (NOAI) is a place for tech-driven art, business, education and ideas.

We invite change makers to celebrate their work and expertise with keynote discussions, pitches, and hands-on workshops.

Session Formats

Keynotes (60 Minutes)

Captivate a diverse audience with your visionary perspective. Keynotes can be a single presentation of a new idea or a discussion with a change maker.

Workshops (90 Minutes)

Lead interactive sessions that offer technical skills in creative technology, digital arts, and more. Workshops take place in breakout rooms where attendees can get 1-on-1 training on technical topics.

Tech Talk (45-60 Minutes)

Take the audience through your brilliant, nuanced, technical ideas. Educate, inspire, teach a thing or two.

Pitches (11 Minutes)

Showcase your innovative projects or ideas, opening doors to collaboration and support. Pitches are a great way to get your idea out there – the wilder, the better!


Limit Submissions: To ensure thorough consideration, please submit no more than three talk proposals.

Creative ideas are encouraged. The goal is for attendees to come away with new skills and insights.

  • Submission Deadline: July 12, 2024 at 11:11 PM CST May 30, 2024 at 11:11 PM CST
  • Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2024
  • Conference: November 9-11, 2024

All ideas are welcome to NOAI. That said, NOAI 2024 is paying specific attention to projects that use technology to, “Do Good Better”. Here are some general talk ideas:

  • Using AI in your classroom? We would love to see pitches showcasing your experience.
  • Analyzing big data? Keynotes on how AI data analysis leads to breakthroughs in medicine and government are very much appreciated.
  • Tackling moral problems? Create a pitch that showcases your big questions.
  • Inventing AI creative goodness? Create a workshop that helps others use the AI creative tools you love.

Need more inspiration? Check out last year’s schedule.

Together, we can inform how technology shapes our future.

—The NOAI 2024 Organizing Committee